Presenter: Lauren Roberts, Horry-Georgetown Technical College
Description: You may be familiar with the use of operant conditioning and positive feedback to train an animal like a dog or a seal, but did you know that it works on people too? Current Horry-Georgetown Biology Professor and former seal and sea lion trainer, Lauren Roberts, will explain how she uses operant conditioning to positively reinforce desirable behaviors in students. Don’t worry, you won’t have to balance a ball on your nose or eat raw fish to attend.
Presenters: Academics, Student Affairs, & Research Division
Description: In this webinar, members of the SC Technical College System Academics, Student Affairs and Research Division will highlight major accomplishments from 2024 and what we look forward to in 2025. We will discuss how we incorporate our vision of being bold, innovative, and sustainable in our work with the technical colleges. You will hear updates from Academics, Student Affairs, Partnerships, Compliance, JAG-SC, and Motorcycle Education.
Presenters: Coleman Brown & Shane Peek, Greenville County Schools
Description: Are you looking to take your Canva skills to the next level? Are you feeling overwhelmed with designing digital content? Join us as we explore 12 time-saving strategies in Canva, the go-to design tool for educators. We will explore remixing templates, AI tools, Magic shortcuts, hacks, and more!
Presenter: Dr. Angel Royal, AACC
Description: AACC’s Competencies for Community College Leadership is the national guide outlining the skills needed to be successful at all levels of employment in the two-year college. This document can be used for individual assessment, performance growth, and promotion preparation. Additionally, many colleges in the country use the Competencies for succession planning and performance evaluation. Learn how you can use the competencies in your professional journey
Presenters: Dr. Mark Dougherty, Tri-County Technical College
Description: We work with different individuals throughout our work lives, including students and peers. Sometimes this means working with individuals who are in varying degrees of crisis. Individuals handle crises differently and exhibit behaviors that range from healthy to disruptive to threatening. This session will help attendees recognize the signs that an individual is in crisis and how to deescalate the situation until another level of help arrives. This session may be helpful to attendees who regularly meet with individuals one-on-one. Techniques are based on principles from the Crisis Pretention Institute’s Nonviolent Crisis Intervention.
Presenters: Leah Andrews, Kimberly Burkett, and Cris Felty
Description: The system’s 16 colleges excel at graduating students with the technical skills needed for successful employment. However, graduates are leaving postsecondary education without a clear understanding of modern workplace expectations. Our proposed project would address this gap by providing training to ensure graduates fully develop their workplace readiness. The project proposes the creation of microlearning opportunities in a wide variety of topics that include traditional employability skills but go beyond them to include important skills specifically related to the modern workplace, such as remote and hybrid work expectations, using AI, social media usage, and mental healthcare and well-being. With successful implementation, the project would create a mechanism through which technical college graduates can show employers that they understand workplace evolution, can adapt to changing workforce needs, and are committed to future-forward thinking.
Presenters: Maggie Floyd & Scott Chalupa
Description: As educators consider higher education in an AI era, this webinar promises to be an invaluable resource. “AI for the Trained Eye: Engaging AI in Higher Education” offers a comprehensive introduction to generative AI, shedding light on its potential risks and transformative opportunities. Attendees will interact with AI tools, learning how AI can generate content, provide tutoring support, and empower student success through examples drawn from real course implementations. But it's not just about the tech: the webinar discusses critical ethical considerations of AI usage, spotlighting institutional guidance from Central Carolina Technical College aimed at fostering an environment of academic integrity while embracing innovation. Don't miss this important discussion, as there's something here for all departments, divisions, and roles. We welcome all who are curious and remain committed to seeing South Carolina at the forefront of this technological revolution in education.
Presenter: Rebecca Ferguson
Description: Students are watching us. They expect us to model what we teach. What is your "online video presence" teaching your students as they interact with you online? Faculty, staff, and administrators often engage students on a virtual platform with their "video on." Come learn some practical, creative tools and techniques to enhance your video presence. Invest in a simple practice that will set you and your students up for success! Own your persona!
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Presenter: LaKeisha Johnson
Description: A flipped classroom allows students to learn at their own pace and will enable educators to foster a more profound learning experience for all learners. A blended-flipped learning experience will enable educators to focus on active learning in the classroom, including collaborative group assignments, gamification, problem-based activities, etc., to increase student engagement and foster metacognitive, higher-order thinking skills.
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Presenter: Lisa Toland
Description: Becoming a better version of yourself isn’t just about having good habits in the classroom or the workplace; it’s also about knowing how and when to overcome the bad ones. When we become better versions of ourselves, this is reflected in the growth and success of our students.
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Presenters: Dr. Derk Riechers, Northeastern Technical College and Ron Stafford, Northeastern Technical College
Description: In this session, we will address the growing technostress permeating students and faculty post-pandemic. As administrators discuss persistent mental health struggles affecting learners, rural institutions can forge new collaborative processes to bolster support services with Academic Affairs.
Presenters: Academics, Student Affairs and Research Division Staff
Description: In this webinar, members of the SC Technical College System Academics, Student Affairs and Research Division will highlight major accomplishments from 2023 and what we look forward to in 2024. We will discuss how we incorporate our vision of being bold, innovative, and sustainable in our work with the technical colleges. You will hear updates from Academics, Student Affairs, Partnerships, Compliance, JAG-SC, and Motorcycle Education.
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Presenters: Jennie Brantley, SC Technical College System; Heather Goff, SC Technical College System
Description: In this session, we will delve into how Jobs for America's Graduates-SC is playing a vital role in empowering our nation's young people with the essential skills and support they need to succeed in education, employment, and life. Our aim is to provide students with a distinct advantage, setting them apart from their peers in today's evolving workforce. By embracing the mission of JAG-SC, we are dedicated to equipping young individuals with the knowledge and resources necessary for a bright and successful future.
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Presenters: Chelsie Smith, Williamsburg Technical College; Theresa Jordan, Williamsburg Technical College
Description: The Energy Bus is a book review by Jon Gordan. We will be walking through an inspiring journey of how George, the main character, used 10 secrets to transform his work and home life. You will also learn how to apply these 10 secrets and redirect your focus when negativity creeps in or the unfortunate happens. After all, you are the driver of your bus, hop on board and let’s get to creating positive environments.
Presenter: Crystal Edwards, Aiken Technical College
Description: The number of college students seeking mental health support is rapidly trending upward. According to a national survey, 55% of community college students cited that emotional stress was their reason for considering withdrawing from college. Let’s take a closer look at the impact mental health conditions like anxiety, suicidal ideations, and depression have on the retention rate of students and the benefits of creating a culture of care during times of crisis.
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Presenter: George Abraham, Greenville Technical College
Description: Explosively disruptive technology like generative Artificial Intelligence comes along infrequently. Let’s explore some of these tools, their characteristics, strengths, weaknesses, and what they mean for higher education and humanity in general.
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Presenter: Alicia Ramberg, Horry-Georgetown Technical College & Dr. Benita Yowe, Spartanburg Community College
Description: Many students who transition to college are unequipped with the study skills they need, and faculty play an integral role in helping students discover and implement strategies for success. Metacognition can help students develop their learning skills, but most students have not been taught these skills, and while students may be introduced to metacognitive strategies during college orientation courses or through tutoring services, it is questionable if they incorporate these strategies into their other classes. The presentation “Moving the Dial through Metacognition” promotes the benefits of embedding metacognitive strategies across courses and programs to ensure students are exposed to and able to apply metacognition to their own learning. Implementing metacognitive strategies effectively across multiple disciplines and programs can improve student retention, increase persistence rates, and instill lifelong learning in students.
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Presenter: Cathy Almquist, D.M., Trident Technical College
Description: Cathy Almquist describes Trident Technical College’s journey to creating a new academic calendar: the data that compelled the college to make the change, the process of creating the change, and the student success and achievement results of the change.
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Presenter: Kevin McMindes, Greenville Technical College
Description: In our effort to help our students, we put great energy into programs that focus on student success. However, measuring the impact student success programs are having on our students is challenging. We often rely on how those involved feel about how the program is helping students, and we point to a few examples who had positive experiences. But we actually know little about the improvement of the actual outcomes specifically on persistence. We know even less about how much money we are spending compared to those results.
The goal of this project is twofold. First, analyze each student success initiative for its effect on student persistence. Using Civitas Learning’s Prediction-based Propensity Score Matching (PPSM), we evaluate initiative efficacy without self-selection bias. Second, use budget data to measure the spend-per-student-served. We can then plot these two measures on a four-quadrant chart to get a graphical impact map of Return on Investment driving insight for assessment, focus, and growth.
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Presenters: Ellan Jenkinson & Rick Maul, PASCAL
Description: South Carolina Affordable Learning (SCALE), is an initiative of the Partnership Among South Carolina Academic Libraries that supports college affordability and student success by promoting the use of quality low-cost and no-cost learning materials. Working with our fifty-seven member libraries, we provide resources and support for faculty adoption of course materials such as Open Educational Resources (OERs) and other low cost (e.g library licensed) resources. Learn how open and affordable materials can help close the college affordability gap and improve student outcomes; how you can incorporate and customize these resources for your courses; and how PASCAL, CHE, and the Technical College System are working together to build a sustainable, coordinated statewide OER program.
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Presenters: Academics, Student Affairs & Research Division of SC Technical College System
Description: In this webinar, members of the SC Technical College System Academics, Student Affairs, and Research Division will highlight major accomplishments from 2022 and what we are looking forward to in 2023. We will discuss how we incorporate our vision of being bold, innovative, and sustainable in the work we do with the technical colleges. You will hear updates from Academics, Student Affairs, Partnerships, Compliance, JAG-SC, and Motorcycle Education.
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Presenters: Dr. Amanda James, Winthrop University, John McGill, York Technical College, Cassie Verardi, York Technical College
Description: Meta-majors and guided pathways are proven best practices that enable more community college students to complete degrees. Winthrop University and York Technical College partnered to develop 4 meta-majors and guided pathways that enable students to seamlessly transfer into over 40 majors at Winthrop. Learn how your Associate in Arts, Associate in Science and other university transfer programs can easily be part of Winthrop’s meta-majors and create your own with other universities.
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Presenter: Ron Stafford, Northeastern Technical College & Mark Knockemus, Northeastern Technical College
Description: NETC's Dynamic OER Duo will offer real-world examples and best practices to create and customize OERs for your classes. If you want to impress your students; while creating customized textbooks, this session is for you. Mark and Ron will introduce you to Creative Commons and offer best practices for creating OERs. These methods work – NETC's English and Religion Department currently is 100% OERs. Mark will share how he achieved these fantastic results. Wanting to make a difference in the lives of your students – start your adventure here – create and adopt OERs to save your students money. Remember all the Cool Kids Use OERs.
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Presenter: Dr. Sherisse Jackson, Orangeburg-Calhoun Technical College
Description: Many students enrolled at two-year colleges are members of historically disenfranchised populations, and these populations respond positively to culturally responsive teaching practices. Culturally responsive educators care about their students and utilize students’ prior experiences, backgrounds, and frames of reference to create learning experiences. By focusing on the students, culturally responsive educators promote a learning environment in which all students are welcomed and feel comfortable. This webinar focuses on implementing culturally responsive teaching practices into an electrical engineering course and in the recruiting process to increase the presence of those underserved and underrepresented in electrical engineering.
Presenter: Dr. Austin Floyd, SC Technical College System
Description: Black males are winning and defying the odds of academic underpreparedness and low-socioeconomic status at community colleges. Their story of successfully navigating classroom environments and “graduating anyhow” can often be overclouded by deficit-filled narratives or statistics that highlight failure. The voices of 7 Black males, 3 college presidents, and 4 college vice presidents across 5 colleges in the SCTCS are shared in this TLT. Triangulating the experiences of Black male students, college leaders, and supportive services, grounds the findings of this local study and highlights the importance of positive faculty/staff relationships, campus culture, and a student’s ability to show up authentically in every setting.
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Presenter: Derk Riechers, Northeastern Technical College
Description: As the famous book series “Where’s Waldo” offers hours of entertaining fun – finding the instructor in an online course should not be a difficult task. In this session, we will explore strategies online faculty can employ to make sure their presence is known in the classroom. Too many times online faculty simply use publisher teaching materials without the development of original lecture content. As pre-developed publisher courses do offer a rich experience – the instructor on record still needs to have a strong presence in the classroom setting. Furthermore, we will explore the Department of Education’s final ruling regarding Regular and Substantive Interaction in terms of instructor presence. And lastly, we will share with the audience the originally developed “Wal-Mart” approach to online teaching.
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Presenter: Ryan Rogers, Iowa Western Community College
Description: In this Service-Learning “101” type session, we will be exploring foundational elements of effective service-learning and campus-community projects. We’ll also explore and share different examples of successful service-learning courses and co-curricular projects as well as different resources and tools to enhance the experience. This session is great for anyone new to organizing volunteerism, service-learning, or campus-community projects on their campus and anyone looking for a refresher to help re-energize their creativity in service-learning project design.
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Service Learning Resources
Presenter: Michelle Byrd, Greenville Technical College
Description: The School of Business and Computer Technology helps connect students with industry partners through professional imaging days where you can meet local employers and practice your interviewing skills. The event is held during the fall and spring semesters and provides students the opportunity to network, demonstrate their skill sets, and learn the most up-to-date information on what employers are looking for when hiring.
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Presenter: Meredith Brown, Piedmont Technical College
Description: It is important to keep ourselves well so we can be refreshed and at our best. This session will discuss the definition, signs, and symptoms of burnout and how burnout effects every aspect of our lives. Specifically, individuals will be given information to help recognize burnout and take away techniques/ tips to help combat burnout in their lives.
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Presenter: Araceli Hernández-Laroche
Description: Collaboration is key to supporting the growing Hispanic/Latino/Latinx population in South Carolina and the Southeast. The founding director of the South Carolina Centro Latino, the state’s first university-based center for the study and appreciation of Latino/a students, faculty, and staff, will share opportunities for institutions to co-create initiatives across campuses, locally, and statewide for student outreach and retention.
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Presenters: Letia James (FDTC), Amy Marshall (PTC), Karen Nutt (GTC), James Williams (FDTC), and Dr. Aliki Nicolaides (UGA)
Description: Adult learners comprise a large population of students that the technical colleges serve. In order to continue to serve these students and support their learning in the classroom, we will have a panel of SC Technical College students talk on their experiences. Following the panel, we will learn practical methods that faculty and staff can apply in working with students from Dr. Aliki Nicolaides (University of Georgia) to ensure a meaningful experiences for our adult students.
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Presenters: Dr. Lauren Gellar, MUSC
Description: The Healthcare Studies program is a degree completion program that provides a broad foundation in health care and population health. It prepares students to become informed and engaged health professionals who can think critically, understand health research and evidenced-based practice, lead health care teams, and develop innovative solutions that address diverse populations. Dr. Lauren Gellar, Division Director for the Bachelor of Science in Healthcare Studies at MUSC, will discuss the program, Pre-Health Professions transfer pathways, advisement assistance, and SCTC student/MUSC faculty mentorship opportunities.
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Presenters: Dr. Matteel Knowles & Lane Goodwin
Description: The Federal Update session covers recently approved guidance from the U.S. Department of Education and the office of Federal Student Aid as it relates to the Title IV programs. It includes statutory and regulatory updates, as well as relevant operational updates and reminders that schools need to know.
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Panelist: Arva Thomas
Description: The Federal Update session covers recently approved guidance from the U.S. Department of Education and the office of Federal Student Aid as it relates to the Title IV programs. It includes statutory and regulatory updates, as well as relevant operational updates and reminders that schools need to know.
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Panelists: Dr. Doug Smith
Description: This session will center on concerns for future community college leaders and the skills and competencies necessary for success as a next generation leader. The session will include a discussion of economic, workforce development, student, and accountability challenges and the leadership necessary to confront them. Dr. Smith will present on research studies he has conducted in South Carolina and Iowa that identify and provide clarity to emerging needs for next generation community college leaders.
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Panelists: Dr. Aimee’ Carter, SC Technical College System; Susan Bennett, River Bluff High School; Renee’ Patchin, Central Carolina Technical College; David Rosenbaum, Piedmont Technical College
Description: This month’s TLT will be a facilitated discussion among career service experts including two technical college representatives and a K12 career specialist. An overview of college career services will provide context, and attendees will hear first-hand about the top knowledge, skills, and abilities employers are looking for in candidates. Additionally, panelists will identify realistic and actionable ways faculty and staff can integrate career development into their everyday work with students as well as provide examples of how career services can support faculty and enhance curriculum.
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Presenters: Michael Shirley, SC Children’s Trust
Description: Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) are traumatic events that occur in a child’s life. Science shows the strong relationship between the bad things that happen as children and negative health and well-being as adults. By better understanding ACEs, what they are and how they can manifest themselves years later, communities can work to prevent future abuse and improve outcomes for South Carolina’s children and families.
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Resilience Survey
ACE Flyer
Presenters: Madalyn Harris (PTC), Andrea Morales Casanas (GTC), Lamar Patterson (YTC), Felix Wilson (CCTC, and Jacob Zambrano (TCTC)
Description: This student panel presentation will feature technical college students across South Carolina who discuss their college experience during the COVID-19 pandemic. They will share stories, from a student's perspective, on how they were able to navigate the unique challenges that emerged.
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Presenters: Academics, Student Affairs, and Research Division Staff
About the Presentation: In this webinar, members of the SC Technical College System Academics, Student Affairs, and Research Division will highlight major accomplishments from 2020 and what we are looking forward to in 2021. Additionally, we will discuss how we incorporate our vision of being bold, innovative, and sustainable in the work we do with the technical colleges. You will hear updates from the Student Services, Research, Academic Partnerships, and Curriculum and Instruction areas.
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Presenter: Dr. Marci Rockey, Office of Community College Research and Leadership at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
About the Presentation: In this webinar, Dr. Rockey will highlight major issues impacting college access for rural students at the national level and in the context of South Carolina. Community and technical colleges play an integral role in expanding access and workforce opportunity for rural students across the nation. The webinar will highlight the ways in which these institutions can work to alleviate barriers facing rural student populations. Dr. Rockey will also share relevant resources to support faculty and staff efforts to advance equity in the South Carolina Technical College system.
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Presenter: Robert James
About the Presentation: We normally equate first year students as incoming from High School, or someone wanting to re-tool in preparation for a new career. One sub segment of the latter example is our returning Veterans. Ongoing preparation for the influx of military-connected students, organizations such as The Consortium of Michigan Veterans Educators has reaffirmed its commitment to active engagement with the Midwestern Higher Education Compact’s (MHEC) Multi-State Collaborative on Military Credit (MCMC). This presentation will share insights, updates, and promising practices in the field from these collaborative efforts in addition to connecting these insights to individual institutional change efforts in support of military-connected students.
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Presenters: Michelle Byrd, GTC & Tameka Brown, GTC
Description: Did you know that the number of unfilled cyber security jobs is expected to grow from 1 million positions to 1.8 million in 2022, up 20% (Forbes, 2019). The shortage of cyber security professionals is nearly 3 million, globally (cyai2024, 2020). In Greenville County, there are over 13,000 high school graduates annually. Of these 13,000, 73% will continue their education. The remaining percentage will look for employment and our underemployed rate is over 81,000 people ( Coincidentally, local salaries range from $75,000 to $85,000 in the Information Technology (IT) Industry in South Carolina. (, 2020). The required credentials to attain a position in this field is a Certificate in Cyber Security. The long term vision for this project is to connect youth apprenticeships to students within the rural areas of Greenville County. There is a vested interest by the community state agencies to ensure that all citizens have the opportunity to become gainfully employed. This project uses a collaborative approach by partnering with the school district, business and industry, higher education, and Carolina Apprenticeship to meet this goal. By connecting rural Greenville with this endeavor, we can organize and coordinate to ultimately improve the health and well-being of our communities while aligning with GTC’s vision of reshaping communities.
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Cybersecurity Certificate Information
Presenter: Katie Miller, Aiken Technical College
Description: “Higher education shall be equally accessible to all” – United Nations, 1948
Ensuring that higher education is equally accessible is not a new issue, but it is quickly becoming a bigger challenge in the United States. There are not many things that faculty have direct control over when it comes to the cost of a college student’s education, other than textbooks. The cost of a textbook can have a huge impact on a student’s success in a course. This presentation will talk about how using Open Educational Resources (OERs) is actually a social justice issue and how all of us can help level the playing field for our students.
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Description: After COVID-19, our traditional in-class experience suddenly becomes the exception and not the rule. This requires redesign of academic programs, revolutionary shifts in pedagogy, and redefinition of the role of faculty members. The story of Indiana University’s launch of one the nation’s first online MBA programs offers guidance on how we adapt to new realities and expectations created by pandemic and technological change.
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Presenters: Dr. Mary Rawls & Michelle Eargle
Description: Funded by a Google Challenge grant, Midlands Technical College administrators created PACT@MTC, Prioritizing Academic and Career Training for Youth in Transition focused on reaching out to current and future students who have experienced foster care or homelessness. The goal is to provide these young people with the opportunity to achieve their personal and career goals.
Presenters: Mia Tensley, Instructor, Tri-County Technical College; James Walker, Instructor, Tri-County Technical College
Description: Join us to learn more about the resources available to students with learning disabilities and discuss Universal Design of Learning (UDL) classroom strategies to help all students succeed. Participants will be encouraged to share their ideas or strategies that can help level the playing field for all students.
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Student Teaching Lesson and Rule Sheet
Brain Dump Strategy
Presenters: Academics, Student Affairs and Research Division, SC Technical College System
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Presenters: Bonnie Alger, Lisa Martin, Ed.D., and HadiHamid, Ph.D., Piedmont Technical College
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Presenters: Emily Fox, Academic Project Coordinator, SC Technical College System
Description: Professional development is not just attending conferences – there are a number of ways that you can facilitate your own growth and development. In this session, Emily Fox (SCTCS) will share those opportunities by reviewing local conference opportunities, national and local organizations, books, and more as ideas to kick start your professional development.
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Presenters: Amber Morgan, Academic Program Director, Greenville Technical College; Crystal Pitrois, Department Head, Academic Connections Department, Greenville Technical College
Description: While the mission of the technical college is to provide a skilled work force for surrounding industry, this mission can be expanded to help the community by educating people who suffer from food and housing insecurity. By providing job skills and an education to those who have been stuck in the legacy of poverty, technical colleges can help all people in the community benefit from a thriving economy. Greenville Technical College is dedicated to providing services and resources for students who are struggling with financial and food insecurity to ensure that poverty is not an obstacle to their educational and career success. On the TLT webinar, Crystal Pitrois and Amber Morgan will explain how these critical services are delivered to students at GTC.
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Presenters: Emily Kittrell, Assistant Director, National Institute for the Study of Transfer Students
Description: The National Institute for the Study of Transfer Students (NISTS) will bridge knowledge and practice together as they introduce the concept of “transfer lenses.” Adapted from the NISTS 2019 Conference especially for the SC Technical College System, this webinar will engage attendees in an exploration of how unique experiences, assumptions, and attitudes influence our perceptions and interactions. The framework’s practical application will enhance understanding of the transfer landscape and student experience. Paired with an overview of NISTS, attendees will increase their awareness of resources to improve day-to-day work with transfer students.
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Presenters: Dr. Timothy Renick, Senior Vice President for Student Success, University of Georgia
Description: Dr. Timothy Renick is a national leader in student retention. He has developed a model at the University of Georgia that has improved student success outcomes for the most vulnerable student populations. This TLT will be livestreamed from the Spring 2019 Retention Institute on May 22nd. Come hear about how your college can translate the strategies implemented by Dr. Renick and his team at your college.
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Presenters: Dr. Michelle Asha Cooper, President, Institute for Higher Education Policy
Description: As a renowned national speaker and higher education advocate, Dr. Michelle Asha Cooper is a pioneer in developing innovative and relevant strategies to help colleges, policy-makers, and special interest groups make higher education more equitable and accessible. Dr. Cooper and her team understand what colleges must do and areas they need to consider to ensure student success. This TLT will be livestreamed from the Spring 2019 Retention Institute on May 22nd. Learn what your college can do to enhance student success outcomes.
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Presenters: Stephanie McGuire, Chief Community Relations Officer, SC Thrive
Description: According to mental health research conducted by the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), One in four students have a diagnosable illness, 40% do not seek help, 80% feel overwhelmed by their academic responsibilities, and 50% of students have become so anxious that they’ve struggled in school. These mental health concerns in students can lead to depression, anxiety, suicide, eating disorders or addiction and adversely impact a student’s success. Traditionally, community colleges have had less support services available to their students than typical 4-year colleges. This session will help faculty and staff learn risk factors and warning signs for mental health and addiction concerns, and share nationally endorsed strategies and recommendations for how to help and refer students in need.
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Presenters: Austin Estes, Senior Policy Associate, Advance CTE and Brianna McCain, Policy Associate, Advance CTE
Description: When the Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act (Perkins V) was passed unanimously by Congress in 2018, it was with a renewed focus on state and local flexibility, Career Technical Education (CTE) program quality, and equitable access and success for learners. On this webinar, participants will learn about the major tenets of Perkins V and how the new law will impact CTE delivery in South Carolina. Participants will also learn best practices for promoting equity in CTE through data, accountability and stakeholder engagement.
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Presenters: Spiros Protopsaltis, Associate Professor and Director of the Center for Education Policy and Evaluation, George Mason University; Derk Riechers, Director of Dual Enrollment and Multiple Modalities, Northeastern Technical College; and Lamar Younginer, Director of Educational Technologies, Florence-Darlington Technical College
Description: Despite the explosive growth of online education, the evidence shows that on average fully online coursework has contributed to increasing gaps in educational success across socioeconomic groups while failing to improve affordability. A strong body of evidence, as well as industry best practices, have consistently emphasized the critical role of regular and substantive interaction between students and instructors for increasing the quality of the online educational experience and improving student outcomes and satisfaction. This session will review the relevant research and the federal policy context, and will discuss the potential implications of ongoing deregulation efforts for policy and practice. Additionally, the session will showcase how local colleges are handling this requirement.
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Presenters: Academic and Student Affairs Division
Description: In the State of the Division update, the Academic and Student Affairs Division will recap outcomes of 2018 projects and events and share what's in store for the new year. Tune in to learn about how we may support you in your role at the college. See what we've accomplished and where we're going with our projects, services, and professional development opportunities.
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Presenters: Lydia Frass, Senior Instructional Designer, Center for Teaching Excellence, University of South Carolina
Description: An instructor can often make small changes to his or her documents and presentations to make them more inclusive and accessible by all students. In this session, you will learn best practices to make your course materials more usable by all students. In particular, this presentation will provide a brief overview on the following topics:
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Microsoft Office Accessibility handout
Presenters: Nate Anderson, Senior Director, Jobs for the Future
Description: Career pathways are a powerful tool for improving economic mobility for low-income populations. This session will focus on how community colleges can best design their education and training programs and supportive services to ensure low-income students are successful, and will look at “what’s next” with respect to the continuing evolution of career pathway design and execution.
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Presenters: Allison Haughton Martin, Director of Institutional Effectiveness Initiatives & Professor of English and Humanities, Bossier Parish Community College, Bossier City, Louisiana
Description: What lessons can mobile-friendly retail and gaming sites teach higher education about building persistence? Learn how BPCC’s OER developmental coursework and supplemental first-year instruction--built upon metacognitive principles, online engagement, and deep-gaming structure--help power at-risk students toward completion.
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Presenters: Dr. Linda Garcia, Assistant Director of College Relations, Center for Community College Study Engagement and Dr. Rob Johnstone, Founder & President, National Center for Inquiry & Improvement
Description: Our best efforts by our best people to significantly improve college completion rates haven't produced the scaled improvements in outcomes we’ve desired - especially for the students we most hope to serve. During the first half of the session, we'll explore how to build on our past efforts and evolve our thinking about how students are recruited to, enter, and progress through our colleges so they complete their goals at markedly higher rates. We will set the table for this exploration of guided pathways by focusing on the issues of economic mobility and equity.
During the second half of the webinar, the Center for Community College Student Engagement will highlight their national report, “Show Me the Way: The Power of Advising in Community Colleges,” and discuss how colleges can begin assessing the implementation of Pathways by listening to the student voice.
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Presenter: Susan Manning, Ed.D., Chief Success Strategist, Credly
Description: The use of digital badges or credentials to signify learning is becoming more common place. Higher education institutions have implemented badge systems that address competencies, pathways, engagement, and a variety of achievements. This webinar will present the fundamentals of what digital badges are, how they are used in a variety of institutions, and where they fit in the larger ecosystem of open badges.
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Presenters: Lauren McClellan, Manager for the Accessibility Resource Center, Tri-County Technical College and Heidi Reeves, Accessibility Resource Center Student Support Generalist, Tri-County Technical College
Description: In this webinar Tri-County Technical College’s Accessibility Resource Center will describe the diverse resources we have developed and identified to promote student success. We will explain the intake interview process and will provide examples of the resulting support plans which feature individualized accommodations and referrals to other campus resources.
Because we believe that student growth, independence, and success hinge on establishing connections we will specifically highlight:
Presenters: Lance Eaton, Instructional Designer, Brandeis University
Description: This workshop explores different strategies for faculty to utilize for discussions and group projects in online courses. While discussions are often the lifeblood of an online course, they can often feel stale, repetitive, or unfulfilling for both students and faculty. The first part of the webinar will address various methods from the creation to the format to the execution and follow up that can enhance discussions for students. The second half of the webinar will focus on how to make group work more effective and meaningful to students by addressing key elements and tools. We will explore how to design group projects effectively, what kinds of tools to consider for group projects, what kind of final projects are relevant for group projects, and how to evaluate group projects.
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Presenters: Nikki Holden, Instructional Designer, University of Cincinnati and JP Leong, Multimedia Coordinator, University of Cincinnati
Description: Technological advances have put multimedia directly into the hands of faculty and students. It is not uncommon to find video lectures, interactive modules, audio/video assignment feedback, and other multimedia tools used in both online and face-to-face courses. Learn how to take your multimedia content to the next level. This presentation explains how to use audio, images and video effectively to make your presentations and courses more engaging. Additionally, you’ll see examples of mini-lecture videos, audio feedback and screencasts from faculty at the University of Cincinnati.
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Presenters: SCTCS Academic and Student Affairs Division Staff
Description: In the State of the Division update, the Academic and Student Affairs Division will recap outcomes of 2017 projects and events and share what's in store for the new year. Tune in to learn about how we may support you in your role at the college. See what we've accomplished and where we're going with our projects, services, and professional development opportunities.
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Presenters: Rachel Mullins Veney, Integrated Planning and Advising for Student Success in Higher Education (iPASS) Project Manager, Honolulu Community College and Joy N. Nishida, IT Specialist, University of Hawaii at Manoa
Description: This presentation will explore the value of defining clear, individualized degree pathways. The University of Hawaii System President charged campuses with ensuring that every student has clear, individualized pathways to graduation. Presenters will explain the process of developing these pathways, lessons learned and changes that occurred. Presenters intend to share the journey of the university system and hope to offer a rationale, along with a realistic vision of lessons learned, for adopting a guided pathways approach and technology platform for degree planning.
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Presenters: Tomeika Bennett, Academic Program Director-First Year Experience, Campus Civic Engagement, Financial Education Center, Greenville Technical College and Amber Morgan, Department Head, Academic Connections Department Greenville Technical College
Description: Two year colleges are faced with many challenges regarding student success, retention, and completion. Student development research indicates that student engagement and connections to the campus have aided student retention efforts and the necessity for them are steadily rising in all college types. The real struggle for many two year colleges is determining how to a change a commuter college environment into a culture of engagement. This session will explore Greenville Technical College's unique approach to the First Year Experience, explore the creative strategies used, and data that represents the progress of the program.
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Presenter: Dr. James (Jim) Klauber, President, Calhoun Community College
Description: This session will provide an overview of legal issues facing community colleges.
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Presenter: Holly Moore McKee, Director, Support Services, Kellogg Community College
Description: This session will provide an overview of how to assist students with disabilities in transitioning from high school to college. Participants will learn the differences in relevant laws related to disability services, engage in thoughtful dialogue regarding barriers to postsecondary education for students with disabilities, and be provided with concrete examples of how to improve transition services for students with disabilities.
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Presenter: Salandra Bowman, Compliance & Special Projects Coordinator, SC Technical College System Office and Rosline Sumpter, Curriculum & Research Coordinator, SC Technical College System Office
Description: Student affairs serves as a complement to the instructional process. Due to certain characteristics of community college students, such as part-time enrollment status and work obligations, many student affairs functions can be difficult to execute. This presentation will review the results of a case study that sought to explore student activities practices in the SC Technical College System. Practical strategies for improving student engagement through student activities will be presented.
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Presenter: Mandy McCaslan, M.Ed., Director of Student Success and Assessment, UNC Charlotte College of Health and Human Services
Description: This presentation will provide information on each of the generational cohorts, focusing on the Millennial and the Homeland (Gen Z) generations. Practical suggestions for meeting these students where they are to create successful experiences are presented.
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Presenter: Anne M. Hornak, Ph.D., Associate Professor and Chairperson, Educational Leadership, Central Michigan University
Description: This session will offer participants an opportunity to talk with a researcher who has studied community colleges from multiple lenses. During the webinar participants will have the opportunity to explore how the open access mission of community colleges fits within the larger context of our current economic and political climate Participants will also have the opportunity to learn more about the role technology is having and can have on teaching and learning and student services.The session will be a mix of discussion, case studies, and interactive dialogue.
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Presenter: Heather Blicher, Online Learning Librarian, Northern Virginia Community College and Melinda Boland, Senior Manager, ISKME and OER Commons
Description: Open educational resources (OER) provide free or low-cost teaching and learning alternatives for students and faculty. Faculty who are new to OER may experience difficulty finding an open textbook or other openly licensed materials to adopt for their courses. Searches for these materials can be time consuming and the choices can be overwhelming. During this session, the presenters will discuss strategies to find and adopt high quality OER to match course outcomes. Additionally, an overview of the award-winning OER Commons, a freely accessible online library that allows teachers and others to search and discover OER and other freely available instructional materials, will be presented.
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Presenter: Moses Brown, Director of Data Management and Reporting, SCTCS Information Technology Division
Description: The use of data in higher education decision-making has increased in recent years. As the usage of data increases, the need for informed data users increases. This session will review the data that are collected annually and gives examples of how the data are used. Faculty and staff who are interested in learning more about data reporting are encouraged to attend this session.
Please email Rosline Sumpter at [email protected] for the recording link for the February 2017 session.
Presenter: Academic and Student Affairs Division Staff
Description: In the State of the Division update, the Academic and Student Affairs Division will recap outcomes of 2016 projects and events and share what's in store for the new year. Tune in to learn about how we may support you in your role at the college. See what we've accomplished and where we're going with our projects, services, and professional development opportunities.
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Presenter: Jim Orgel, Counselor, Trident Technical College
Description: This session will give an overview of how disability services are provided in colleges and universities in South Carolina. The determination of accommodations in classrooms and on campuses, current trends in disabled student populations, and the issues faculty and staff face in implementing disability services will be addressed in the session.
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Presenter: Catherine Ross, Ph.D., ACSW, LISW-CP, VSP, Director of Community, Clinical & Educational Services, Sistercare
Description: October is National Domestic Violence Awareness Month. In this webinar the presenter will discuss South Carolina domestic violence statistics, provide resources to assist faculty and staff in identifying students who may be struggling due to intimate partner violence, and discuss best practices for directing students to intervention.
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Presenter: Donna Thompson, Educational Technology Instructor, SC Educational Television (SCETV)
Description: Are you an instructor seeking resources to enhance your instruction? Are you an administrator interested in ways to engage faculty and staff? This session will highlight free resources available to postsecondary educators through SC Educational Television. Sign up to learn about the free video clips, writing prompts, quizzes, lesson plans, atlas, songs, sounds, and interactive tools. Additionally, the presenter will share other free resources to assist with the development of digital resumes and other digital projects.
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Presenter: Dr. Christopher Hall, Dean of Business and Public Service, Central Carolina Technical College
Description: Recent events in headline news impress upon higher education professionals the importance of safety and risk management. This presentation provides useful tips for creating and maintaining safe learning environments and personal spaces.
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Presenters: Lexi Anderson Ed.D., Policy Analyst, Education Commission of the States and Carl Einhaus, Director of Student Affairs, Colorado Department of Higher Education
Description: This webinar will provide an overview of reverse transfer and articulation. The first portion of the webinar will provide a background on transfer policies, specifically reverse transfer, and where we are today in the US. There is currently an estimated 1.2 million people in the United States who have earned more than 60 college credits but have not been awarded a credential. With the estimation of 60 percent of jobs by the year 2020 requiring a postsecondary credential, we need to find ways to recognize the credits students have earned to help them be successful in the workforce. Reverse transfer provides a possible solution to this issue. By recognizing credit students have earned, reverse transfer can help efforts to increase attainment levels and provide students with credentials they can then use to secure employment in a competitive market. This session provides examples of reverse transfer policies, what elements are included and how states can expand the reach in the future.
The second portion of the webinar will provide strategies for implementation. Degree Within Reach is the state of Colorado’s way of describing “reverse transfer,” a process which began in 2014 that allows students who have transferred from a Colorado community college to a Colorado university to combine credits from both institutions and apply them towards an associate’s degree. Since its inception, 188 associate degrees have been awarded through Degree Within Reach with numbers expected to climb to over 550 after the current cycle is completed. The program had a slow start but is picking up momentum. This session will describe the process, the successes and the struggles with the initiative.
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Presenter: Dr. Naomi R. Boyer, Associate Vice President, Strategic Initiatives & Innovation/CIO, Polk State College
Description: Polk State College has implemented a two-year, Open-Entry/Early-Exit (OEEE), Engineering Technology Associate of Science degree in a hybrid, competency-based education (CBE), non-term, self-paced, learner-centered, faculty-mentored format in advanced manufacturing. The program, in its third year of delivery, provides insight into the challenges and processes necessary in instituting a CBE model in a public, community college context. Beyond implementation, this open-dialogue, interactive presentation will share the most recent data providing information about student demographics, program enrollment trends, completion and success rates, time to completion, student employment impact, and student and employer satisfaction.
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Presenter: Michael Lampe, Instructional Design Specialist, USC Upstate
Description: This webinar will provide practical steps that can be taken when exploring new educational technologies and innovative pedagogies. While many of us get excited of the latest innovation in classroom design and the abundance of new technological devices, such excitement can lead to poor planning and instruction. The goals of the presented practical steps will help analyze challenges to the status quo, exemplify quality practices in instruction, and create an environment for innovative instruction at any institution.
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Presenter: Dr. James (Jim) Klauber, President, Calhoun Community College
Description: This session will provide basic information on tort liability for colleges along with helpful guidance to administrators on how to identify legal issues in the field. Legal considerations for student services, student groups, disability, transgender issues, and other matters will be addressed.
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Presenter: Theresa A. Thomas, Math Department Chair, Blue Ridge Community College
Description: Bored with the same old lecture format?? If you have always wanted to try flipping your course or if you would like to learn how one instructor at a community college flips her classroom, stay tuned. Theresa A. Thomas will share the way she flips her Pre-calculus classroom. Even though she teaches math, her tips and techniques can be tailored to fit most disciplines. Theresa will give plenty of take-aways you can instantly try in your classroom; such as, an appointment clock, coach and player and stand up, sit down. She will give strategies so you are able to start slow and then increase your flipping all the way to 100%. She will also talk about two large projects that she incorporates into her classroom that truly cross many curriculums.
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Presenters: SCTCS Academic and Student Affairs Administrators and Staff
Description: In the state of the Division update, Academic and Student Affairs will introduce you to our division, recap outcomes of 2015 projects and events, and share what's in store for the new year. Tune in to learn about how we may support you in your role at the college. See what we've been and where we're going with our projects, services, and professional development opportunities.
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Presenter: Vicki Banyard, Ph.D. is a professor in the Department of Psychology with an affiliation with the Justice Studies Program. She is a research and evaluation consultant with Prevention Innovations. She received her Ph.D. in clinical psychology from the University of Michigan and has trained at both the Family Research Lab, University of New Hampshire and the Trauma Center in Boston. She conducts research on the long-term mental health consequences of interpersonal violence including resilience in survivors. She also conducts research on community approaches to prevention of interpersonal violence. She is part of a research team that has received funding from the NIJ, DOJ and CDC.
Description: This webinar will provide an overview of campus climate surveys to measure aspects of sexual assault. It will present a summary of key issues to consider when deciding whether and when to conduct a survey, what to include in the survey, key issues related to collecting trustworthy data, and questions to ask when thinking about what to do with the data once you have it. Updates will also be given about current and ongoing efforts in the field to improve the utility of climate surveys and participants will be directed to new and helpful resources for using such surveys on their own campuses.
Presenter: Dr. Tiffany Richardson, General Counsel and Director of Policy and Legal Services, South Carolina School Boards Association (SCSBA)
Description: Reporting on campus crime has been required of institutions of higher education since 1990 under the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act. In spite of these requirements, many colleges and universities are facing lawsuits, investigations, settlements, and fines for failing to comply. This webinar will provide examples of lawsuits and investigations for areas of non-compliance resulting in institutional liability. The presenter will share guidance for campus officials and policymakers who have the responsibility of administrating campus security at their respective institutions. To the extent possible, content will include examples or suggestions pertinent to community college administrators.
Presenter: Mr. C. Ingram, Health Educator, Sexual Assault Violence Intervention and Prevention (SAVIP), University of South Carolina
Description: During this session, the presenter will provide an overview of Title IX requirements for victims concerning awareness and prevention. The presenter will also provide low-cost/high-impact resources and scalable proven strategies that can assist colleges in meeting the requirements of Title IX and creating welcoming environments for students. Because the face of sexual violence is often female, the presenter will provide resources and information geared towards males and other special populations as well. In this way, the Title IX conversation becomes more inclusive.
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Information Sheet
Helpful Tips for Interpersonal Violence
Video links:
Presenter: Victoria Banyard, Ph.D.
Description: Bystander intervention shows promise as one part of a comprehensive prevention approach to sexual assault, relationship abuse, and stalking on college campuses. This webinar will review the research on bystander action and what factors encourage or hinder third parties to reduce risk for these crimes or promote supporting survivors after an incident. We will also discuss recent findings on the effectiveness of bystander intervention on college campuses, sample programs from the field, and directions for future practice. Participants will leave the webinar with an understanding of key components of bystander intervention and prevention strategies that can be used.
Presenters: Aiken Technical College - Tiffannie Hedin, Marketing and Student Experience Coordinator
Midlands Technical College - Sylvia Littlejohn, Director of Enrollment Services; Robert Stuessy, Director of New Student Advisement and Orientation Services and Derrah Cassidy, Director of Admissions
York Technical College - Tim Mention, Financial Aid Counselor/FWS Coordinator and Brittany Henderson, Enrollment Services Counselor
Description: Please join us for a roundtable webinar highlighting best practices for student orientation.
Presenter: Stephanie Winkler, JD, Disability Services Coordinator, Tri-County Technical College
Description: This presentation will discuss the nuts and bolts of TCTC’s Twenty20 Program. The presentation will outline the design and implementation of the program for our first pilot year. We will also discuss changes we have made to the program based on our pilot year experience, the current status of the program, and selection and training process for mentors and students. Lastly, we will present a few “success stories” from our pilot year to demonstrate how lives can be changed one student at a time.
Presenters: Dr. Tamara Butler, Assistant Professor, Department of English, Michigan State University
Description: In this session, Dr. Butler will engage participants in a few reflective activities around the following questions: What does it mean to be critically conscious in higher education? In what ways can we begin to think about the stories and experiences we bring into our interactions with students and colleagues? How might our own reflexivity contribute to students' and colleagues' "sense of belonging"? Dr. Butler will provide a brief overview of the experiences that inform the activities. Through the session, participants will begin to engage in the critical work of reflexivity, which is central to issues of equity, inclusion, and diversity. Participants will learn to apply these techniques in their advising, teaching, and working with students.
Presenter: Jimmie Gahagan, Ph.D., Director of the Student Engagement at the University of South Carolina, Columbia
Description: Join us as we discuss how promoting students’ engagement within and beyond the classroom contributes to their success and integrative learning. This session will provide an overview of the concept of student engagement and will explore strategies and best practices that can be implemented on your campus. Participants will have the opportunity to ask questions and provide examples that have worked on their campus as well.
Presenters: Dr. Eric Moschella, Director of the Student Success Center, University of South Carolina and Mike Lampe, Coordinator of Online Learning, University of South Carolina-Columbia's Student Success Center
Description: Providing online service for academic support can be challenging to ensure quality student interaction and technological reliability. For such challenges, having a road map for justification and implementation can increase the opportunity for success. This interactive presentation will lay the foundation to fuse student development theories and online service delivery models for the opportunity to increase your student outreach by providing appropriate online services.
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